We will begin our in-person gatherings on 9/6! We are a diverse family of believers who gather to worship in both English and Spanish each week. Our worship gathering will include a time of singing, praying, hearing the Word preached, and taking the Lord’s Supper...
Join us every Monday night at 7pm for a virtual prayer call. Zoom link can be found on the events calendar. Ladies Bible Study is happening Sunday Mornings from 9-10am via Zoom for the time being. Zoom information here. Hope to see you there!
“In light of current concerns and the guidance of the CDC, we will continue to gathering digitally, but we will also begin gathering in person starting June 14. Sunday service will be at 10:30. There will be no in person morning Bible Studies, Mercy Kids, or...
By Sherrie Aulds Written as reflection on Dick Eastman’s book, “The Hour that Changes the World” I hope that you have been able to journey with us in prayer – even if you have only caught a few pages of the book, “The Hour that Changes the World,” or only the weekly...
Alienation. Loneliness. Isolation. Most people would agree these words do not describe human flourishing. Yet, so much of our culture appeals to the individualistic self. It is like going to the gym in Jim Gaffigan’s satire: “I want to look at myself while I work on...
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